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Spiritual birth of Person - formulas

The system of occupations is based on the rational approach. In it do not reject former knowledge, do not leave in solitary life, do not conduct "apostolic" activity. The system of occupations is constructed on the consecutive circuit " a mental status - result ". The main tasks are determined: 1) distinction of categories of goods and evil; 2) connection of functions of an organism with anthroporegulation; 3) support by spiritual forces; 4) preservation of individuality; 5) protection against knowledge unknown.

For convenience the system of occupations is tabulated formulas "status - result". Last column is links to internal text bookmarks, it is possible to make fuller opinion of them.


The name

Status (achievement)


The link

1. Formula started ways

2. Formula started spiritual perfection

3. Formula of purposefulness

4. Formula of overcoming of internal conflicts

5. Formula of achievement of contemplation

6. Formula of growth of forces

7. Formula of adequate perception

8. Formula of favorable internal development

9. Formula of Unity

10. Formula of illusions

11. Formula of the initiative of development

12. Formula of distinction of error and true

13. Formula of penetration into Space

14. Formula of Cosmic language

15. Person's formula of god's resemblance

16. Formula "1=7"

17. Formula of without sin

18. Formula of opening persisting "I"

19. Formula of nonviolent development

20. Formula of reorganization of the person by Space

21. Formula of moral taboo and principles

22. Formula of internal changes

23. Formula of happiness

24. Formula of achievement "I"

25. Formula of contemplation

26. Formula of self-deception, nonsense, sufferings, illnesses

27. Formula of perfection

28. Measure of true

29. Formula started transformations of homosapience in homospace

30. Formula of a birth of the cosmic person (homospace)

31. Formula of the first sigh of homospace

32. Formula of perception of cosmic person

33. Formula of illnesses

34. Formula of distinction of Light and Darkness, kindness and evil

35. Formula of maintenance of the cosmic baby by metaphysical forces

36. Formula of individuality of homospace
Formula of development of remote vision and сlairvoyance
37. Formula of distinction of thought's

38. Formula of development of remote vision and сlairvoyance

39. Formulastarted developments of abilities homospace

40. Formula of a rational way of development of a civilization

41. Formula of interrelation of each of us with metaphysical forces

42. Formula of a bookmark of destiny for the cosmic baby

43. Formula of exit for limits of laws Creator of the universe

44. Formula of creation of the future events

45. Formula of the cosmic baby

46. Formula of beauty of a body of homospace

47. Formula of mental frustration

48. Formula of criterion of a reality

49. Formula of a captivity of a former life

50. Formula of the first crossroads of destiny


Wandering of mind

Cleanliness of mind

Distinction of a status of "desire" and "decision"

Preact of destiny

5 stages of internal struggle
Formula of adequate perception

Fixing of reason (thinking)

Definition of character; illusions; anxieties; integrities; activity; another

Resonance of a concentration and external object

Activity of mind within the framework of a symbol, a sound and experience

Raising from a bottom of soul of defects of the lowest sphere
Formula of distinction of error and true
The control of consciousness

Natural movement of consciousness to the purpose

Formation instead of categories of a symbol and a sound of one general status of consciousness

Dilemma: the daily life or to go further


Prism of pleasure

Nude of former "I"


Clearing of attachments to a body and mind

Sanctity and rectitude

Force of thought

Peak of the mountain

Overcoming of charm

Natural disclosing of metaphysical abilities


New thought's

Opinion of the extraneous person

Comprehension of dreams and pressure in nervous system

Natural manifestation of "I"; contemplation

Dilemma: inactivity or an act?

Manifestation of functions and activity of nervous system, their connection with external life

The relation to coming энергиям

Test by cosmic energy from the outside the universe (from the Forerunner or Chaos)

Comprehension of thought's, as attribute of life

Telepathic abilities

The control of influence of thought's over a body and reason

Status "not-I" under a pressure of nervous texture between brows and in temple's

Management of currents energy of nervous system of an organism

Research of activity of nervous system of an organism in interaction with an environment

Manifestation of cosmic (metaphysical) forces

Vision of the future

Stop of mind and consciousness (accentuation of consciousness!!!)

Change of a pressure of thought's


Reorganization of an organism
Formula of mental frustration
Exit of consciousness for limits of a body



Consideration of idea: "the cosmic person acts how cannot homosapience"

New definition of a position and the purpose

Understanding of value of concentration, centrality, contemplation





Exit for the limited categories of a symbol, a sound and experience

Returning to outlook of a youth

Establishment of interrelation with Alive Cosmic, Extraterrestrial reason, Cosmic Teachers

Deceit and quiet

Belief in the Creator

Affliction or pacification of activity

Freedom of consciousness

World fundamental principles

Acceptance of new circumstances

Understanding of a measure executed

Change of personal qualities

Unity of former and true monad "I"
Formula of nonviolent development

Exit of consciousness for limits of a body and reason

Light and the Law

Source of transformations

Absence of aspiration, work, the purpose, overcoming


Formula of contemplation
Approximation to the Reality

Cud of mind

Expansion of horizon of perception

Continuation of search

Recognition of existence of spiritual assistants

Formula of a birth of the cosmic person (homospace)
The Cosmic baby

The inversion of attention to interrelation a pressure of a nervous texture and external object

Perception by means of nervous system of an external world; the thought from the Founder of the Universe; another.
Formula of illnesses
Infringement of currents энергий in nervous system

Finding of the Spark of Light

Real work, dialogue, the help, other.

Freedom of a choice of ideas from Perjurers and Witnesses

Filling of a body and mind Light

Display for the space baby of metaphysical relatives and forces of support, and also forces of oppression

Surrounding physical changes: from numbness bodies up to telekinesis …

Acceleration of progress

Comprehension of a pressure of nervous system Formula of a bookmark of destiny for the cosmic baby

Essence of a life

Voltage in an organism of the person of boundless objects of the Forerunner or Chaos

Continuation of the plan of the Creator of the Universe

New features of the person

Disclosing of nervous system

Unguided bifurcation of consciousness

Alloy of bodies of wisdom, kindness and will

Lifeless thoughts

Choice: development as the homospace or to remain the homosapience (former)

Year 1, 1

Year 2,1 - 3,3

Year 4,1-3

Year 5,1

Year 5,2 - 6,1

Year 6,2 - 7,1

Year 7,2 - 8,3

Year 9,1 - 12,7

Year 13,1-2

Year 14,1

Year 15,1

Year 17,1

Year 20,1-2

Year 20,3 - 21,2

Year 22,1-2

Year 23,1-2

Year 24,1 - 25,1

Year 25,2

Year 26,2 - 27,1

Year 29,1 - 30,1

Year 30,2

Year 32,5

Year 33,1 - 34,1

Year 34,2-3

Year 35,1 - 36,2

Year 36,3

Year 36,4 - 37,1

Year 37,2

Year 37,3-8

Year 38,3-4

Year 40,3-6

Year 40,7-14

Year 41,2

Year 41,3-5

Year 43,1-14

Year 43,1-6

Year 43,9-14

Year 44,1-13

Year 44,18-21

Year 45,2-4

Year 45,4

Year 45,5

Year 45,10

Year 47,1

Year 48,1-4

Year 50,2

Year 51,5-6

Year 52,1-5

Year 52,6-7

Year 51-53


The important feature of mental occupations is their logic end. It is a choice: continuation research of anthroporegulation or is enough. Duration of course makes 2-4 months. You can test metaphysical abilities of an organism. For example, understanding of ideas from Creator. Or telekinesis. Or you will create the biodouble and let off him in the sky. He will stand on air weights and to see under himself a megacity. Among city buildings one five-floor house will be especial. In this house there is our physical body...

In the conclusion of occupations we shall put an accent. Text bookmarks not is a cud for reason. They are intended for work on themselves. One formula is one day of work.


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