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Alliga Ter about psychophysical opportunities of the person
Alliga Ter about psychophysical opportunities of the person


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Ways of prolongation of human life:                          previous / further


Normal age changes


Psychophysical changes during a life make primary processes of ageing. We shall state some of physiological and anatomic aspects of these processes now very briefly.

Traditionally works of the last years are considered and proved,Normal age changes that the brain with the years degenerates. There is a loss nejrons, the general atrophy develops, functioning mediator and sinaptic systems is worsened. However last researches speak, what not all so is simple. Undoubtedly, with age of function of a brain are worsened, but changes are not general and not fatal. At some people in separate sites of a brain nejrons are lost, for examples, a cerebellum and a bark of hemispheres, but in other sites, we shall tell in olivs, loss nejrons does not occur in general.

Usually we considered, that the lost nervous fabric is never replaced and not restored. Now we know, that the brain has some regenerative opportunities, is especial at young organisms, and with age in some areas of a brain they do not decrease. At regeneration there is a formation of new dendrids and aksons (short and long shoots nejron, conducting nervous pulses from a cell to a cell) and even sinapses (special image of the arranged contacts between nervous cells). Thus, in due course one sites of a brain degenerate, while others sites, on the contrary, are restored, keeping the certain balance in a brain. But for deeper understanding of this phenomenon the further researches are required.

Speaking about the main reason of ageing of a brain, doctors started with the concept of "hardening of arterial vessels". This concept is rejected now. Replacements to it are not present, and it is more than questions, than answers. In a nervous fabric it is possible to speak about one specific age change definitely. In a so-called black substance of an average brain there is a gradual loss dofaminergical nejrons. If in these nejrons it is not provided enough of the substance - transmitter there is illness Parkinson. On the average at the 25-years person in a black substance of a brain contains near 400000 dofaminergical nejrons, while at 80-years person their in 2 times has less. Reduction of number sinaptical communications considerably reduces norm of redundancy to neural circuits. It affects functioning of other systems of an organism. The researches showed, that fall of the maintenance dofamin in a so-called striped body of a brain is lower than 30 %-s' initial levels causes occurrence of clinical symptoms of ageing. Such reduction dofamin connect also to gradual decrease of speed of movement in the age of from 45 till 85 years. Reasonable treatment of the reduced motor function is dofaminergical therapy with which help in experiment the motor function at old animals is restored or kept.

Besides, with age the lump of skeletal muscles, quantity of fast muscular fibres and connected with them motonejrons, conducting nervous pulses to muscles decreases. Apparently, it brings the contribution to decrease of impellent speed. Thus, ageing is partly connected to easing functions of nervous - muscular circuits and their atrophies...

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