Russian version

Under a parental wing


With left on the right: mum, aunt Nadja (godmother of one's child), father, I and Alexey. 1976.


With left on the right: mum, aunt Nadja (godmother of one's child), father, I and Alexey. Alexey was the friend from the cradle. We fighted with him every day, and there and then we were reconciled. He to me has broken a head of times, I to him have put three marks. Street guys of us were afraid. Together we gave delivery to any offender. In a month I shall read the book about Space and I shall give an oath: I shall make such discovery, that the mankind will come nearer to grandiose Cosmic and the person in millions times becomes stronger. Our roads have gone away. Unusual 1976.

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Teleportation of person and Creator of universe |Spiritual birth of Person |Possibilities of person - library|Gates to Eden|Cosmic expansion|Longevity and rejuvenation - results |Doctrines about Angels | Beble (2006)


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