Russian version

Youth and mad actions


Military teaching department in the city of Chernovtsy. 1985.


In one year I have been called in numbers of the Soviet army. On a photo I in the order on a battalion artillery at the city of Chernovtsy. I collide insuperable officer short-sightedness. I cannot go to library, I cannot meet interesting people and continue search of Truth: What is there a Person and the God? During several months my heart argued with the debt of the Soviet compulsory military service. After reception of a rank of sergeant and assignment to linear armies of the city of Lvov I run from army. Without money, a self-locking device, through all Ukraine I reach in cities Sukhumis. Here I get acquainted with eremites, monks, metropolitan of Abkhazia and I get friends. I work as the house painter for metropolitan. Surrounding people concern to me as to the confidential person. The Christian religion of me does not satisfy. I having visited the cities of Krasnodars, Saratov and Moscow. In city of the Sum I surrender to militias. In search I was almost half-year. After conversation with the general-lieutenant of the Sumy military garrison he is given the order: "Forbidden Officers and soldiers to communicate with me". I nonplused associates by the questions and reasons. I was threatened with a disciplinary battalion for 2-3 years. But, in a month I have been recognized unusable to front service. I have received the white identity card. In army for some abilities I have nicknamed prophet. 1985.

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Teleportation of person and Creator of universe |Spiritual birth of Person |Possibilities of person - library|Gates to Eden|Cosmic expansion|Longevity and rejuvenation - results |Doctrines about Angels | Beble (2006)


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