The purposes
and tasks:
Cosmic vector of evolution of person
Search of the decision:
From the founder.
A priority.
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Discovery "PERSON"
Psyche of person
Nervous system of person and functions
Soul of person
Clairvoyance and åssence of the World
Teleportation of person and Creator of universe
Cosmic civilizations
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Education of children in future
- point ![](../ris/product_arrow_grey.gif)
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Possibilities of person - library
Gates to Eden
Tree of Life and map of Eden - new research
Discipline of Anthroporegulation and religion
- lesson ![](../ris/product_arrow_grey.gif)
The newest researches:
Cosmic expansion
Longevity and rejuvenation - results - results
Doctrines about Angels
Doctrines about Devil
Revival of the Person
Moon mankind ![](../ris/product_arrow_grey.gif)
Baby colleges
Study of parallel worlds
About money:
How do I earn?
Vacancies and work![](../ris/product_arrow_grey.gif)
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My photoalbum with histories
I was born at 0 o'clock 45 minutes on August, 12, 1966 in settlement Komsomolsk at the Kharkov area on Ukraine.
Now my age of 40 years. I want to tell about myself frankly.
Why I want to tell? I would not like, that people counted me "fruit" or the superperson.
And here that they have understood!
Under a parental wing
My age is year.
I with the father and mum am in village Estuary.
My parents are young beautiful people (father has age of 28 years; mum has age 22).
Father, Grigory Andreevich, was the first lad on village.
Mum, Lyudmila Ivanovna, was the most beautiful girl.
Roots along a parent line leave to long-livers and smiths.
They were glorified at the Kharkov province.
The fatherly line was glorified as notable carpenters. 1967.
I and sister Ira are on mother's work at vegetable factory.
For the woman this work was physically heavy.
Father has told: leave from factory, search for work more easy.
Mum has passed on a dairy factory and here she has worked up to pension.
Mum is awarded with a medal " Veteran of labour". 1971.
Father has constructed a summer residence on coast of picturesque lake Estuary.
We go fishing, turtles and cancers by hands.
The sun and water have made the business.
For a summer I had increase the growing on 13 centimetres.
In kindergarten nobody has learned me.
I became the fighter, I pulled for scythes of girls and did not like to study.
Father of me quite often punished on a back by jumping rope .
Unfortunately, now, on lake there are no neither turtles, nor cancers, nor fish. 1972.
With left on the right: mum, aunt Nadja (godmother of one's child), father, I and Alexey.
Alexey was the friend from the cradle.
We fighted with him every day, and there and then we were reconciled.
He to me has broken a head of times, I to him have put three marks.
Street guys of us were afraid. Together we gave delivery to any offender.
In a month I shall read the book about Space and I shall give an oath:
I shall make such discovery, that the mankind will come nearer to grandiose Cosmic
and the person in millions times becomes stronger. Our roads have gone away. Unusual 1976.
I never saw, that parents swear.
Though mum spoke, that because of money it was happened.
Father worked on state district power station as the foreman of
He went fishing by a network. In binge father knew when to stop.
Sausage, milk, bread were always. Sweets were once a week.
In October mum has given birth to younger sister Tanju. 1978.
![The class 9-B is on agricultural works. 1981](../big/1981.gif)
The beginning of the ninth class.
In the autumn pupils worked on collective-farm fields.
In a photo we are on these works.
At the first assembly our class teacher, Valentine Ivanovna, will
" Oleg try! You can leave school with a gold medal ".
The trust of the teacher of me has stunned. 1981.
![10-th class. Such I was. 1983.](../big/1983.gif)
The end of 10-th class. I pull on a gold medal.
Though I at all do not learn school subjects.
I make them between lessons. Happens so, that I do not visit lessons.
To me make indulgences. Nevertheless he is the best pupil!
The class loves me because I help to solve tasks on control.
I go practically on all regional Olympiads, except for philological.
I read different books as sponge all absorbs my reason, reflects and conducts a
I am fond one little girl, afterwards I am fond another girl. 1983.
Youth and mad actions
I enter on physicotechnical faculty of the Kharkov state university.
On a photo I spend experiment with a feather of a bird.
I receive interesting results. However, from 50 years it was known.
In 10 years I shall win competition "Soros the post-graduate student "
and I shall receive the grant for works in the field of reception of new materials at an electronic irradiation.
In a month I shall come to a conclusion, that the most interesting research is a PERSON.
People want to know: What is the GOD? How get the terrestrial person with fantastic
opportunities? 1984.
![Military teaching department in the city of Chernovtsy. 1985.](../big/1985.gif)
In one year I have been called in numbers of the Soviet
On a photo I in the order on a battalion artillery at the city of
I collide insuperable officer short-sightedness.
I cannot go to library, I cannot meet interesting people and continue search of
What is there a Person and the God?
During several months my heart argued with the debt of the Soviet compulsory military
After reception of a rank of sergeant and assignment to linear armies of the city of Lvov I run from
Without money, a self-locking device, through all Ukraine I reach in cities
Here I get acquainted with eremites, monks, metropolitan of Abkhazia and I get
I work as the house painter for metropolitan. Surrounding people concern to me as to the confidential
The Christian religion of me does not satisfy. I having visited the cities of
Krasnodars, Saratov and Moscow.
In city of the Sum I surrender to militias. In search I was almost
After conversation with the general-lieutenant of the Sumy military garrison he is given the
order: "Forbidden Officers and soldiers to communicate with me". I nonplused associates by the questions and
I was threatened with a disciplinary battalion for 2-3 years. But, in a month I have been recognized unusable to front
I have received the white identity card. In army for some abilities I have nicknamed
prophet. 1985.
![The third course of physicotechnical faculty, I am in a student's hostel. 1989](../big/1989.gif)
In 1986 I am restored on the second course of physicotechnical faculty.
After information famine it was difficult for me to be involved in study and to recollect formulas.
From the fourth course I hand over the majority of subjects perfectly well.
I shall organize club of space philosophizing.
Night vigils, coffee and cigarettes till the morning it is usual days of our search.
I am fond of auto-training and oriental combat sports. Much girls pass beside.
But my searches are not clear to the interesting girl.
Especially much I talked by Sergey Erukovym (under text Alliga Ter - Alik).
We chose any subject and untwisted it further and further, adjusting each other by inspirations and new
ideas. Wife Erukova, Lena, (on Alliga Ter - Eugeny) became the second friend.
We spoke on spiritual subjects much. I was devoted meditation a lot of time.
But what this such? How correctly to approach to meditation?
Answers in books of me did not satisfy, a zen koans were stupid, stories of masters of yoga did not give answers.
How did open rationally internal potential of the person?
Frequently I leave in single travel for tests of the spirit and an organism.
For example, I have gone to a campaign on desert Kara Kum without a stock of water and a compass for a week.
I took the academic holiday.
On a photo I am in a student's hostel of the city of Pjatihatki, Walter's street 14.1989.
I was visiting native land settlement Komsomolsk.
Younger sister Tanja did not want to study.
Senior sister Ira entered on biological faculty at the Kharkov state university after leaving school with a gold medal.
I was helping parents on construction of a personal facilities in village. I frequently saw old friends and schoolmates.
We were hiking, we were looking TV and we were removing girls. 1990.
In 1993 I have finished the Kharkov state university.
I began to work by the engineer at faculty.
Then I was invited to a post of the younger scientific employee.
The same year I found the wife. I wanted to introduce friend Juru with Toniy (in Alliga Ter - Lyudmila).
I have visited the girl. And I fell into a trap of love.
A month later we have gone to Black sea. In three months we have celebrated a wedding.
In five months the wife has given birth to the boy.
In a photo: son Igor (in Alliga Ter - Ruslan), Toniy and I in an autumn wood at a fire. Pjatihatki. 1994.
![Igor stands on a balcony of demountable flat. 1996.](../big/1996_igor.gif)
The end of 20 centuries were one of the most difficult for a public
The USSR has collapsed! Having thought with Sergey Å., we decided to buy a booth in the
Financial affairs have gone uphill.
I studied in postgraduate study, kept up the goods in a booth, came back to home in 3-4 one o'clock in the
Sometimes I come home with spirit of beer.
Wife began to intone me: " Throw a booth, you late come back. It is not
known, than you with saleswomans-girls are engaged ".
Only the son was a joy. We play with him as wanted. The same year I receive the Soros
On a photo Igor stands on a balcony of demountable flat. 1996.
![A photo on a driving licence. 1998.](../big/1998_naprava.gif)
The leader of the master's dissertation, Jury Iosifovich, and my father were
dissatisfied, that I spend time for a booth.
I sold small business. " All right! - I have decided. - I am concentrating on the dissertation ".
Half-year later preprotection has taken place. Suddenly, council at ôèç-òåõå, considering
dissertations, transfer to the Ukrainian Physicotechnical Institute.
It meant, that I should wait for protection year. Thus rules of registration of the dissertation
Jury Iosifovich leaves for Israel. He did not worry about the post-graduate
I had friction with the fellow worker else. The colleague considered, that I steal nonferrous metals from
laboratory. Certainly, I have blown up, as a volcano. I was dissatisfied all and
Then I decide to buy the automobile and to engage in business. But business is not
Soon the wife takes away the son and leaves in Komsomolck. A photo on a driving
licence. 1998.
Birth of Alliga Ter and surrounding reality
I have remained himself. At Jesus Christ's age I take up a problems which did not give me of rest.
How do person with divine abilities? All former knowledge have been rejected by me.
Efforts were spent on internal mental research.
Search passed in back streets of thinking, consciousness, unconscious and an organism.
Solitary lifestyle has done good results. The rational approach to development of opportunities of the person has been
found!!! Person's Cosmic was open.
Researches were poured out in a birth of psychological work "Alliga Ter"
which I have compared in size of cultural and moral value with the Bible.
However, surrounding people have not accepted work. I should search a source of a material prosperity.
A photo on the Ukrainian passport, May, 2001.
Toniy fell on the alimony. Money at me was not, I did not work.
I had no own house or apartment.
I began to think: the salary in institute of the younger scientific employee is no more 60
The simple turner receives more than 150 $. And I decide to work as the
I have roamed with work in Kharkov. Only the son was happy when we met and spent together
In May 2002 ã I decide to go on earnings to Moscow.
Toniy has submitted on divorce and has received the positive decision of
At the end of summer father has died. Photo of son Igor, 2002.
Moscow has met by cheating of girls from agencies on employment,
by promises of construction superintendents and directors of civil engineering
by militian permissiveness, by customs extortion, by a life under ladders and millions the same
visitors, looking earnings.
The building skills received in Sukhumi, were useful. Skill of the house painter
grew. Acquaintances and connections grew.
Not appreciablly I have passed to work from construction of high-altitude houses on the dresser of
I have bought noutbook. On last object I have got acquainted with the remarkable
mistress, Alain E..
I have fallen in love. Restaurants, bowling, belief and recognitions of me were
With this woman I was happy. My salary had grown and reached 2,5 thousand $ in a
month. But, I have not made to Alain happy. On a photo between earnings in Moscow I am in native
Komsomolsk, 2003.
Construction and earnings in Moscow have mentally and physically exhausted me.
I have bought a two-room apartment in Kharkov. I decide to have a rest and update site Alliga Ter.
Some positions expand. Besides I have decided to engage in new researches of opportunities of the person.
On a photo I with nephews Ilya and Nikita (twins Tani), April, 2004.
In one and a half month I shall take up a problem of rejuvenation.
Sister Tanja is the happiest young woman. She has given birth to twins Ilya and Nikita.
But always in a life there is a white and black strip. Now, a black strip.
The sister wants to move from Kharkov to Kiev. She does not have not enough money.
The husband studies in military academy the engineering - tank business, he is the lieutenant colonel.
On a photo sister Tanja, April, 2004.
Sister Ira on the husband is Danilina. In the childhood (in campaigns and conversations) we have checked up a lot of time.
Between us there is a strong invisible spiritual connection. The husband at her is a phlegmatic person.
With son Jaroslav he is in rubbish. He does not talk to the son of more year.
Some problems in Jaroslav's education lay on my shoulders. On a photo sister Ira, April, 2004.
Mum has found herself in education of grandsons. Ilya and Nitita have taken the first step together with her.
If grandmother are absent, then children are crying.
The mother's happiness is defined by happiness of us, her children.
When I somewhere leave, she say words: "With God!"
On a photo Lyudmila Ivanovna with grandson Nikitoj, April, 2004.
New researches of opportunities of the person and my friends
At the end of May 2004 I began researches of processes of ageing.
I have set the task, whether it is possible for the person to rejuvenate and prolong a life even till 150 years.
Has passed about two months. The received results were intermediate.
On a photo I on day of Sergey Kochetova's birth. Side-by-side Ira (29 years).
We are familiar about five years. In three weeks Ira will put to me a condition: " Choose or I, or your researches?".
Till now I come back by that day, whether Correct I have made a choice.
In fact I could live near to the beautiful sexual woman,
not be tormented with searches and achievement of the transcendental purposes. June, 2004.
He is Sergey Kochetov, the hero of the triumph (in text Alliga Ter - Alexey), 38 years were executed.
Together we went to backpackings on open spaces of the former USSR. Sergey lives in a hostel, a room of 12 m2.
He works in Ukrainian Physicotechnical Institute, his salary near 100 $.
Sergey hopes in one year when the 73-years chief will leave from a post, to head works on the accelerator of electron's.
Children are not present. He did not want earlier, and now he cannot find the girl who would agree to be his wife.
Sergey strongly drinks vodka. June, 2004.
Sergey Erukov and Elena Erukova (under text Alliga Ter - Alik and Eugeny) on day of
Kochetov's birth.
Sergey (39 years) is fond of idea of Daniel Andreeva and creation of the Rose of the World.
He is the personnel manager in firm "Yamal - oil - gas - industry", frequently Sergey is on business trips.
Lena (38 years) is the deputy chief of a society "For healthy lifestyle".
Children it is Julia (14 years) and Egor (7 years). At them the two-room apartment and old volkswagen. June, 2004.
Tatyana Koval (39 years) on day of Kochetov's birth.
Two years ago she has given birth to the second child, girl Sonju. Tanja feels like happy.
She lives in a family hostel with son Oleg (18 years) and the favourite husband of Sledge (39 years).
Under text Alliga Ter is Tanja. June, 2004.
Lena Aulova (45 years). She is the surprising woman.
Lena lives in the room of a family hostel (14 m2) with two daughters, with the husband former and present,
and with the native brother. Beds stand in two tier; boxes and shelfs up to a ceiling. June, 2004.
Jaroslav Danilin is a son Iry and my nephew (15 years).
Jaroslav has arrived on building branch of the Kharkov technical school.
He is a candidate for the master of sports on sambo-wrestling and the champion of Ukraine.
Now he has the teenage period, sometimes he happens intolerable. Nowadays Jaroslav lives at me. September, 2004.
Igor Krasnikov is husband
Tani and my brother-in-law (37 years).
Igor is the lieutenant colonel of engineering - tank armies.
Nowadays he studies in military academy.
His parents live in Kiev, the brother is the military translator on business trip in the USA. September, 2004.
It is last results of the third stage of rejuvenation.
They are connected with ability of the person to fabricate the bodies or not updated structures of an organism
(nervous cells, number of alveoluses in easy, nephron in a liver, number of separate gland in a leather and mucous,
number of a teeth, finitenesses). Occupations have been carried out during 4 days. Results were amazing.
The technique demands thin adjustment of mentality and bases on laws of Creator.
As a matter of fact it is construction of on an image and similarity by Creator.
Creator with His direct participation. It allows to live some thousand years. Results are not described yet.
I am afraid, that the story about it will sound as ugly fantastic fiction. On September, 24, 2004.
Dance of the Angel is represented on a photo.
In general, the Universe is arranged reasonably.
She has the antropocosmic establishments conducting energy-information updating of an organism.
In occupations I have felt, that I am torn off from friends. I look younger, and they grow old.
You present! I meet the sixteen-year girl. The girl sees in me the twenty years' young man.
On her question: "How old are you?" I respond: "38!" The girl has a shock: "It does not happen!"
It is a problem of disproportion between my achievements and surrounding stone life.
Nowadays I have postponed the further researches "to live thousand years".
We need to rise to space tops together. (See
a forum of "the Way of development of the Person").
Besides I have no external stimulus which me pushed forward. On September, 28, 2004.